America needs a shaman president
performing a retrieval
on the soul of America
America needs a shaman president
drum in hand
raising the consciousness of Congress to be one with Earth Mother
A vision quest president
willing to trust plants and animals as advisors
America needs a shaman president
who journeys to the stars for his answers
A shapeshifting president
who is a lion that fights on behalf of the people
and a flower offering love to our children
America needs a shaman president
who acknowledges all that is sacred
A rainmaker president
who knows how to dance with Earth changes and droughts
by blessing our farmlands with ceremony
America needs a shaman president
shaking rattles at Wall Street executives
A Huna president
performing hooponopono
teaching us how to speak with America’s Higher Self
A Mayan calendar president
revealing truth in ritual cycles that deepen each year
understanding that all time is layered
America needs a shaman president
dancing like a Hopi Kachina
A peace pipe president
blowing smoke at all those who make profit from war
A visionary president
who honors our ancestors in all great decisions
and plants a green world for our children
America needs a Huichol president
who sees all life as a multicolored fabric
and knows of his own imperfections
A Hopi elder president
who understands that we are the ones
we have been waiting for
A sweat lodge president
who brings the leaders of Israel and Palestine together in earth’s womb
until peace treaty ink flows out their pores
America needs a shaman president
who sings sacred songs during speeches
A beyond ordinary reality president
seeing past the phantoms of Madison Avenue and American dream
America needs a shaman president
whose heart is as light as a feather
America needs a shaman president
who consciousness is always ecstatic
Copyright 2011 Brett Bevell